Tugging at my brain

I saw a friend post on a different site about how they missed posting on a now defunct social media platform, and how it made him feel. I miss it too.

My brain goes a million miles an hour, in no particular direction and its dizzying at best. Perhaps the best i can hope for is the blackout that hits when the g-force exceeds the body’s ability to cope.

In the overall scheme of things i have it good but it doesn’t seem to matter when it comes to the dancing brainwaves….

I tried to start a facebook profile called dancing brainwaves but they said that’s not a real name; how do they know? I mean really, some idiots name their kids things like moon shadows or rainbow brite or dusty brown. Why cant i be dancing brainwaves?!?! I demand redress !!

Well break is over, back to the grindstone. I will be back